If your child has suffered any type of birth injury as a result of a medical practitioner’s mistakes or carelessness, you have a right to feel outraged. An Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer may be able to represent you in a medical malpractice lawsuit to hold the doctor accountable and recover full monetary compensation for the injury. Fill out our case evaluation form and visit The Tolson Firm, LLC today so that we can begin work on your claim. Before founding the firm, Ms. Tolson was personally recruited and selected by Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. to work in the Atlanta office of his practice, and has since litigated dozens of multi-million dollar settlements for clients in our community.
Negligence is at the core of any lawsuit over birth injuries. A malpractice claim is based on the legal principle of torts, which allows a victim to sue the party who caused an injury through a failure to uphold a reasonable duty of care. Recovering damages for birth injuries depends on proving that the doctor was negligent through an act or omission which deviated from the accepted standard of care in the profession. It is also necessary to demonstrate that the injury was the result of the negligent action or decision.
Many families fail to realize that they have grounds for legal action, even when their child has suffered a clear and evident injury during birth, based on an assumption that the doctor took every necessary precaution to avoid injuries. Doctors and nurses are generally well-intentioned and caring professionals, but they do make errors, and your family should not be forced to pay the price for their mistakes. If you have any reason to believe that your child is suffering from cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries or any other type of condition as a result of malpractice, we can help you pursue a case against a negligent or careless doctor.
When you believe that your child has suffered injury due to medical malpractice, contact an Atlanta birth injury attorney from our firm for a consultation.