
Labor & Delivery Problems

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Common Problems in Labor & Delivery

Labor is a natural process, but it places both the mother and child under a great deal of stress that can create a dangerous risk of severe, long-term injury or even death. The doctors and nurses who attend to a woman in labor must always act with extreme care and never make a mistake. A single act of negligence can have serious consequences, even if the delivery is ultimately considered a success.

At The Tolson Firm, LLC, our injury attorneys represent the victims of medical malpractice and are dedicated to achieving the best possible results for our clients. We know how difficult it may be for your family to live through the experience of suffering a birth injury, and we will stand by your side throughout the process of claiming the compensation you deserve.

Call (404) 800-9166 or visit our office today for a consultation with an Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer.

What Can Cause a Problem During Labor and Delivery?

Some common issues that can arise during the course of labor and delivery due to the negligence or lack of skill of the medical staff include:

  • Prolonged labor: Sometimes called a failure to progress, a prolonged labor occurs when the child does not make enough progress out of the womb in an acceptable amount of time. Infections and bodily injury may occur.
  • Umbilical cord complications: If medical staff do not give proper attention to the umbilical cord during delivery, it could become compressed or wrap around the baby, causing injury or a dangerous loss of blood flow.
  • Transverse births: The baby may be positioned incorrectly in the womb – such as feet-first or sideways – and be passed through the womb in a jeopardizing way. Doctors and nurses will have to act accordingly to ensure the mother and child do not suffer any injury due to this abnormal circumstance.

Was Your Child Injured by a Labor or Delivery Problem?

Success in your claim depends on proving that medical negligence is at fault for the injury. We will review the circumstances of the incident to determine whether you have grounds for a lawsuit. It is advisable to take action early after the injury, to prevent the statute of limitations from costing you this opportunity. We will pursue a settlement to compensate you for every aspect of the injury, including the medical bills for treatment and ongoing care, lost income and the pain and suffering you and your child may have experienced.

Contact an attorney from The Tolson Firm, LLC if you or your child was harmed by any type of problem in labor or delivery which could have been prevented.


ready to fight

For Maximum Compensation

Ms. Tolson has never been afraid to face large hospitals and organizations when it comes to the recovery that our clients deserve, so don’t hesitate to retain the services of The Tolson Firm, LLC as soon as possible.

Office Location

2971 Flowers Rd. S
Suite 265
Atlanta, GA 30341