One type of serious medical malpractice is when an injury, illness, serious condition or death is the result of a blood transfusion error. Blood transfusion errors most often occur in the operating room, emergency room and intensive care units where fast action and high stress circumstances can lead to errors by staff of these units. When the wrong type of blood is transfused to a patient it will activate the immune system of the body. The foreign blood cells will be attacked by the patient’s immune system. Additional complications besides the fact of the transfusion being ineffectual include shock, kidney failure, collapse of the circulatory system and death. If you or a loved one has suffered injury from a blood transfusion, a medical malpractice lawyer from The Tolson Firm, LLC should be consulted to see if this is potentially a medical malpractice case.
There are safety procedures in place to prevent the possibility of blood transfusions injuries. The patient’s blood is tested first to determine blood type. A blood that is compatible with the patient’s blood type will then be ordered for use in a transfusion. Tests are performed to make sure that the patient’s blood will receive the other blood and not attack it. Often, another test will be done just prior to transfusion to verify that all is correct.
Administrative errors have been a cause in the past for transfusing the wrong type of blood. With standard care the tragic results from blood transfusion errors are much less likely. When such a serious medical error takes place, it is often from negligence in some form. Our firm welcomes the opportunity to discuss the details of your case with you. Our careful review of your situation will allow us to advise you how to best take action against the doctor, facility or other liable party.
Contact our firm to schedule a consultation concerning your possible case.